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Tips, advice, and features for - and about - self-publishing authors.

Author Stories Kim Author Stories Kim

Why Marian Pruijn advises would-be self-publishers to be flexible

Marian Pruijn approached us a while ago with the idea of putting together a book of her art. From the very beginning we were excited to be involved in this project, and happily spent considerable time with Marian pinning down the specifics of how the book should look. The first copy of the printed hardback was received last month, and Marian and I got together to take a look at the result and share a celebratory bottle of ‘fizz’. Marian kindly agreed to take part in this short interview.

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Author Stories Kim Author Stories Kim

An adolescent adult and proud of it.

I spent a very pleasant half hour or so with Panoramic Publishing’s first ever client, Bruce Michael, chatting about life, books, and publishing in general.

Bruce is the author of The Tale of an Adolescent Adult, his first published book, which is a collection of entertaining stories and reminisces from his life.

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